Ribena Blackcurrant 850ml is a delicious and nutritious drink made with real blackcurrants. Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, Ribena offers 100% of your daily recommended Vitamin C intake, making it the perfect choice for a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy its refreshing and tangy flavor and boost your immune system with every sip. Best sell by date: 03/2025 Ingredients: Water Blackcurrant Juice from Concentrate (32%) Sugar Acid (Citric Acid) Vitamin C Preservatives (Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Bisulphite) Thickener (Polydextrose) Acidity Regulator (Sodium Gluconate) Extracts of (Carrot and Hibiscus) Flavourings Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose)